Monday, May 24, 2010

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Sunday, April 11, 2010

these are lots and lots of websites with patterns here are a few :

Saturday, March 13, 2010

check this out !!!!

here is many websites to visit for patterns

here is an awesome pattern from check this out !!

» photos: Rachel Borello Carroll Anything Animals

By Rachel Borello Carroll
A few months ago I set out to write a pattern for a stuffed toy that virtually any knitter could make up quickly and easily. I had a few ideas, but couldn't decide on what type of animal it would actually be. A bear? A rabbit? A doll? A cat? They all seemed like good options, so I decided to let the knitter decide, and wrote up the instructions for each one. These are just the beginning, though - with a little imagination, you could turn them into anything! Does your child like lions? Dogs? Just adjust the colors and ears and you're nearly there. I knew I had stumbled onto something wonderful when my 2-year-old son was snatching each one away as I was finished. The Anything Animals are quick, easy, and highly addictive. You can end up with a whole set of Anything Animal friends before you know it!
5.5 inches tall

Use small amounts of worsted weight yarn in the desired colors for your project. This project is an excellent way to use up tiny leftover bits in your stash. In the photographed toys, the following yarns were used in very small amounts:

Light Brown Bear

Fur: TLC Essentials [100% acrylic, 312 yards/285 meters per 6 ounce/170 gram skein]; Taupe 2335
Shirt: TLC Essentials [100% acrylic, 312 yards/285 meters per 6 ounce/170 gram skein]; Dark Plum 2533
Vanna's Choice [100% acrylic, 170 yards/156 meters per 3.5 ounce/100 gram skein]; Colonial Blue 860-109

Red-Haired Doll

Hair: Vanna's Choice [100% acrylic, 170 yards/156 meters per 3.5 ounce/100 gram skein]; Terracotta 860-134
Skin: Lily Sugar N Cream Solid [100% cotton, 120 yards/109 meters per 2.50 ounce/71 gram skein]; Soft Ecru 01004
Shirt: Lion Wool Solid [100% wool, 158 yards/144 meters per 3 ounce/85 gram skein]; Dark Teal 820-178

Gray Bunny

Fur: Bernat Berella 4 [100% acrylic, 195 yards/175 meters per 3.5 ounce/100 gram skein]; Dark Oxford 08893
Shirt: TLC Essentials [100% acrylic, 312 yards/285 meters per 6 ounce/170 gram skein]; Dark Plum 2533

Yellow Cat

Fur: Lion Wool Solid [100% wool, 158 yards/144 meters per 3 ounce/85 gram skein]; Goldenrod 820-187
Shirt: TLC Essentials [100% acrylic, 312 yards/285 meters per 6 ounce/170 gram skein]; Dark Plum 2533
Lion Wool Solid [100% wool, 158 yards/144 meters per 3 ounce/85 gram skein]; Dark Teal 820-178

Brown-Haired Doll

Hair: Caron Simply Soft [100% acrylic, 315 yards/287 meters per 6 ounce/170 gram skein]; Chocolate 2722
Skin: Lily Sugar N Cream Solid [100% cotton, 120 yards/110 meters per 2.47 ounce/70 gram skein]; Jute 00082
Shirt: TLC Essentials [100% acrylic, 312 yards/285 meters per 6 ounce/170 gram skein]; Dark Plum 2533 and Linen 2332

Recommended needle sizes

US #7/4.5mm straight needles

Polyester stuffing
Yarn needle
Embroidery needle
Black embroidery floss
6mm black acrylic safety eyes or small buttons for eyes (optional)
Crochet hook, size E (3.5mm) – for doll hair only

18 sts and 28 rows = 4" inches St st
Gauge is not too important in this pattern, since it is designed to use small scraps of various types of yarn. Be sure that your knitting is tight enough that stuffing will not show or leak out through the stitches.


Choose body type from the 4 listed below.

Solid Color Animal Body
With fur color, cast on 20 sts.
Rows 1-26: Beginning with a knit row, work in St st.
Bind off all sts knitwise.

Striped Animal Body

With fur color, cast on 20 sts.
Rows 1-12: Beginning with a knit row, work in St st.
Rows 13 and 14: With first shirt color, work 2 rows in St st.
Rows 15 and 16: With second shirt color, work 2 rows in St st.
Rows 17-24: Repeat Rows 13-16 twice.
Row 25: With first shirt color, knit across.
Bind off all sts purlwise.

Seed Stitch Animal Body

With fur color, cast on 20 sts.
Rows 1-12: Beginning with a knit row, work in St st.
Row 13: With shirt color, knit across.
Row 14: [P1, k1] across.
Row 15: [K1, p1] across.
Rows 16-25: Repeat Rows 14 and 15, 5 times.
Bind off all sts in pattern.

Girl Doll Body

With hair color, cast on 20 sts.
Row 1: Knit across.
Row 2: Purl across.
From here until the beginning of the shirt, you will be working with 2 colors in the same row. You will need to twist the two yarns together at each color change to make sure it doesn't leave a gap in the fabric. Attach skin color yarn.
Row 3: K7 in hair color, k6 in skin color, k7 in hair color.
Row 4: P6 in hair color, p8 in skin color, p6 in hair color.
Row 5: K5 in hair color, k10 in skin color, k5 in hair color.
Row 6: P5 in hair color, p10 in skin color, p5 in hair color.
Rows 7-12: Repeat Rows 5 and 6, 3 times.
Rows 13-26: With shirt color, work in St st.
Bind off all sts knitwise.

LIMBS (make 4)
With skin/fur color, cast on 4 sts.
Rows 1-8: Beginning with a knit row, work in St st.
Cut yarn. Thread end through 4 active stitches and pull tight. Fold limb in half lengthwise and seam long edges together.

Option: You can eliminate the seaming by knitting the limbs as an 8 round 4-stitch I-cord.

EARS (make 2)
For animals, choose ear type from the 3 listed below.

Rabbit Ears

With fur color, cast on 4 sts.
Row 1: [K1, p1] twice.
Row 2: [P1, k1] twice.
Rows 3-12: Repeat Rows 1 and 2, 5 times.
Row 13: K2tog twice.
Cut yarn. Thread end through 2 active stitches and pull tight. Tie off to close.
Fold base of ear in half and sew to head.

Cat Ears
With fur color, cast on 5 sts.
Rows 1 and 2: K1, [p1, k1] twice.
Row 3: P2tog, k1, p2tog: 3 sts.
Row 4: P1, k1, p1.
Row 5: K3tog.
Cut yarn and thread through active stitch and pull tight. Tie off to close.
Weave in loose ends.

Bear Ears
With fur color, cast on 4 sts.
Rows 1-4: Knit across (garter stitch).
Row 5: K2tog twice.
Cut yarn. Thread end through 2 active stitches and pull tight. Tie off to close.

Cat Tail
With fur color, cast on 4 sts.
Rows 1-12: Beginning with a knit row, work in St st.
Cut yarn. Thread end through 4 active stitches and pull tight. Fold limb in half lengthwise and sew.

Option: You can eliminate the seaming by knitting the tail as a 12 round 4-stitch I-cord.

Fold Body in half lengthwise to find the center column of stitches. Embroider the nose on the center st 6-7 rows down from the top edge. Attach one eye 2-3 sts on each side of the nose. To make the animal baby-safe, embroider eyes with black floss rather than attaching plastic safety eyes.

Fold the rectangle body piece in half lengthwise with RS together. Seam the back edge. Turn the body right side out. You should now have a tube. Flatten the tube so that the face of the animal is centered on the front. Sew along the bottom edge to close. Stuff body lightly. Sew along the top edge. Sew the ears and limbs onto the animal body.

Doll Pigtails
Cut 8 2-inch strands of hair color yarn. Using a crochet hook, pull the strands of yarn halfway through stitches on the corner of the head. When all 8 pieces are threaded through one side, gather together all 16 half-lengths and tie them with a short length of CC yarn. Trim to desired length and repeat on opposite side of the head.

Rachel lives on the Eastern Shore of Maryland where she knits, crochets, sews, cooks, gardens, and tries to retain some composure while raising a toddler. She's been designing toys for the last 4 years and keeps shop at

Pattern & images © 2009 Rachel Borello Carroll. Contact Rachel.
© Copyright

here is another one

Lacy Tulip - Esther Jennings, December 23, 2009

Finished size: approximately 2 ½” tall x 2 ¼” in diameter.

Skill level: Intermediate.

Materials: 13 ¼ yds worsted weight yarn (I used a shaded yarn), one pair straight needles size 8 and a tapestry needle.

Gauge: unimportant to this project.

Co 42 sts.
Row 1: sl 1 k-wise, *ssk, yo twice, k 2 tog; rep from * to last st, p 1.
Row 2: sl 1 p-wise, *p 1, (p 1, k 1) in yo, p 1; rep from * to last st, p 1.
Rep rows 1 & 2 three times.
Row 9: sl 1 k-wise, k 2 tog to last st, k 1 – 22 sts.
Row 10: sl 1 p-wise, p to end.
Row 11: rep row 9 – 12 sts.
Cut yarn leaving a long tail for sewing, thread this end into tapestry needle, run end through rem sts to secure them. Then run in beg end, then thread tapestry needle with other end again and twist into tulip shape. Secure twist with a few sts through the flower and run in end.
Click on a picture to see a larger image.

this is so cool

begginer project !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

hey how are you guys i love easy projects here is one that looks awesome and is easy i just made a different kind of slippers

here it is :
Materials Needed:
1 to 2 Skein(s) any color of "Red Heart - Light & Lofy" Yarn (This kind of yarn must be used for the sizes to work as indicated in this pattern.)
US#10 Knitting Needles
Tape Measure
Yarn Needle with very large eye or Crochet Hook
Size Information:
Size results given here are approximate. Your final size results may differ slightly from ours. Gauge for this pattern is 12 stitches and 20 rows equals a 4 inch square. (Using "Red Heart - Light & Lofy" and US #10 needles.)
Small Size - Approx. Child Shoe Size 1 and Smaller
Medium Size - Approx. Child Shoe Size 2 to Women's Size 7
Large Size - Approx. Women's Size 8 and Larger
Read sizes in this pattern as shown here; 40 is small, 44 is medium and 54 is large; 40(44, 54)

Knit the Slippers Using the following instructions:

Cast on 40(44, 54) stitches.
Knit every row until the piece measures 4.5(5, 5.5) inches.
Next row, cast off the first 5(7, 9) stitches and knit to row end.
Next row, again cast off the first 5(7, 9) stitches and knit to row end.
Next row, cast off the first 3(3, 3) stitches and knit to row end.
Next row, again cast off the first 3(3, 3) stitches and knit it row end.
Knit every row for 2.5(3, 4) more inches after the last 3 stitches were cast off.
Knit 2 stitches together 12(12, 14) times. [12(12, 14) stitches remain]
Knit next row.
Knit 2 stitches together 6(6, 7) times. [6(6, 7) stitches remain]

Cut yarn about 18 inches from finished knitting and thread the end of the yarn with the yarn needle. (If you cannot get this thick yarn through your yarn needle, simple use a crochet hook in its place to pull the yarn through.
Remove the knitting needle from the remaining stitches and send the yarn needle through all the stitch loops. Pull tight. This will bring the ending edge together and start to create the toe of the slipper.
To stitch the slipper together use a looping method; To do this, first, line up the left and right edges that you wish to stitch together, then send the yarn in a circular direction through the edges on each side to join them as shown in the photo. Pull snug with each loop or circle stitch. Repeat working along the open edges that you are connecting.
Continue stitching the slipper together from the toe up to the top edge. Knot the end and trim the extra yarn.
Line up the back sides of the slipper. Thread another piece of yarn (or use the crochet hook and some yarn) and stitch up the back of the slipper from the heel to the top edge. Knot the end and trim the extra.
Fold the top edge over to form the cuff.

These are really cozy slippers because of the soft and cuddly yarn that is used to make them.
Make slippers for everyone on your list this holiday!

© Copyright 2005 by AOK Corral Craft and Gift Bazaar. All rights reserved.
These projects are for your personal use only and may not be reprinted or copied without written permission from AOK Corral.

(Parts of this project were inspired by slippers in a flyer done by "Coats & Clark"

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Friday, March 12, 2010


this is a yarn saver
Free Doll Poncho Knitting Pattern Materials:

Red Heart Super Saver 100% acrylic yarn worsted weight leftover yarn of several colors.


Gauge: 13 st x 26 rows = 4" x 4" (10 x 10 cm)


Garter Stitch
all rows - knit sts

Cast on 20 sts (including edge stitches) with the first yarn color. The first stitch should be slipped to the right needle and the last stitch purled. While casting on leave a 4" (10 cm ) tail.
Rows 1-2 rows: all knit. Cut the yarn, leaving a 4" (10 cm ) tail. Tie the 2 tails (see picture below).
Rows 3-4: use another yarn, leave a 4" (10 cm ) tail when joining the yarn. Knit 2 rows of garter stitch. Cut the yarn, leaving a 4" (10 cm ) tail. Tie the 2 tails (see picture below).
Rows 5-94: knit as rows 3-4 changing yarn every 2 rows. Cast off.

Pick up 20 sts (including edge stitches) along the left edge of the knitted poncho closer to the end of the piece (see picture below). The first stitch should be slipped to the right needle and the last stitch purled. While casting on leave a 4" (10 cm ) tail.
Rows 1-2 rows: all knit. Cut the yarn, leaving a 4" (10 cm ) tail. Tie the 2 tails (see picture below).
Rows 3-4: use another yarn, leave a 4" (10 cm ) tail when joining the yarn. Knit 2 rows of garter stitch. Cut the yarn, leaving a 4" (10 cm ) tail. Tie the 2 tails (see picture below).
Rows 5-40: knit as rows 3-4 changing yarn every 2 rows. Cast off.

Sew the end of the short part to the left edge of the longer part at the beginning of the part.
Make fringe at the cast on and cast off lines.


More Information
here a new pattern
Size 10 US (6 mm) needles
Worsted weight yarn

4 sts = 1 inch

Make 2 pieces:
CO 36 stitches.
Work in garter stitch (knit every row) for 15 ridges (30 rows).

Sew short end of one piece to the side of the second so that it forms a point in the front and the back. The short end of the second piece then gets sewn to the longer side of the first piece.

Add fringe if desired.